
Alternatives Ranking

Scoring the Alternatives

After the decision maker has defined his problem and specified his preferences, D-Sight calculates the score of the different alternatives. Based on this score, a ranking will be provided allowing the decision maker to identify which alternative is best.

The methodology used in D-Sight will always produce scores in the range [0;100]. The alternative responding best to the preferences of the decision-maker will have the highest score.


Vizualizing the Ranking

D-Sight Desktop offers different ways to visualize the ranking. The table can be exported into reports while on the other side, the ranking graph provides a quick overview that is easy to share with other stakeholders.

While the ranking provides a quick overview of the best solution, understanding the results and being able to clarify them can be done with other tools in D-Sight Desktop, such as the GAIA plane or the sensitivity analysis.

Ranking Table
Click to enlarge
Ranking Graph
Click to enlarge