Case Studies

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Ecorem - Environment

ECOREM S.A. is an independent, multidisciplinary consultancy and engineering company specialized in various environmental aspects. ECOREM S.A. was founded and developed around an integrated multidisciplinary approach and is always looking for tailor-made solutions to various environmental problems.

 Click here for the Case Study

Fluxys - Tenders Evaluation and Selection


Fluxys is the independent operator of both the natural gas transmission grid and storage infrastructure in Belgium. The company also operates the Zeebrugge LNG terminal. Fluxys has developed its infrastructure into the veritable crossroads for international gas flow in North-Western Europe.


  Click here for the Case Study

Italferr - Routes Evaluation and Selection


Italferr is the engineering company of the Ferrovie dello Stato Group which operates in the domestic and international markets and provides transport engineering services.


 Click here for the Case Study

STDF - Investment Prioritizations in Developing Countries


STDF is a global organization that supports developing countries in building their capacity to implement international Sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) standards.


Click here for the Case Study

CCH – Prioritizing Options for Fish Fingerling Production


The Centre for Coastal Health (CCH) is a non-profit which identifies and understands the interactions of human, animal and environmental health.

Culture based fisheries in Sri Lanka constitute an important livelihood for people living near perpetual and seasonal tanks, providing inexpensive protein, income and employment for rural people.


 Click here for the Case Study